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Leadership & Development The Definitive Guide

Hello and a warm welcome to Leadership and Development.

My name is Martin Gilliard and after having completed an MBA at Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK back in 2003 I have had an ongoing interest in the subject of leadership, personal development and the development of others.

My experience isn’t all purely academic though… I have had several leadership positions for large multinational companies at my home town of Leeds in the UK and also eight years in Mississauga just outside Toronto in the wonderful country of Canada.

Why This Site?

Due to my interest and experience in this area, I decided to put a website together so that I can continue learning about this fascinating subject area.


My intention is to use this website to share our knowledge, understanding and continued research with others who have similar interests or with individuals who simply would like to learn more about the subject of leadership and development.


Leadership is generally about influencing a group of people towards achieving a common goal. This is usually done by communicating a vision of some future desired state. The vision needs to be communicated in such a way that others want to achieve it.

Great leaders use their life experiences, skills and personal attitude to inspire others. Successful leadership often depends on effective organisational and relationship skills.

Self Development

If you want to fully realize your potential then you need to be looking for ways to develop your own capabilities and performance. Self-development takes self-control and personal responsibility for yourself and your own learning. The plan is for this site to also include a number of thought-provoking, self-development articles that will help you develop your skills and abilities.

never stop dreaming

Leadership and Development Content

On the leadership section of the website, I have included some articles on the subject of team building. Team building is key in any leadership effort. A leader can only be as good as his or her team so it’s key to get your team right from the offset. Please check out this section for further details on teams and team dynamics.

I have also included a section on leadership behaviors. Behavioral aspects of leadership are incredibly important. Much of leadership is about how you behave and act in front of those who you are responsible for. It’s about being a role model for others to look up to and aspire to be.

And then there is a section on leadership skills. If you’re going to become a better leader then you need to be fully aware of the skills of the trade!

Then on the development section of the website I have included a section containing articles on personal development which is an area that appears to be high on most people’s agendas these days as we all strive to improve ourselves and reach that yet unrealized next goal.

And then there are a number of articles aimed towards developing yourself as a leader or manager.

I hope you find this site useful. Please use the comment sections on each page to provide us with feedback – I will do our utmost to respond.

Many thanks, Martin.


Please use the navigation menu at the top of the page to read some of the articles I have put together on this subject.

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