My Journal Entry For 12th November 2022

Morning Routine And General Diary
Completed my morning routine, wouldn’t say I felt the best though as I had a shocking night’s sleep, can possibly blame the Friday night extra glass of red wine!
My wife and I went for a short lunchtime walk down the canal near where we live in Leeds, UK.
Then I watched a little of the rugby, England v Samoa, and only watched it until the Leeds game started. Leeds were winning most of the match but eventually lost it 4 – 3, so was a little disappointing.
I did my personal finances and then I paid some outstanding payment the HMRC are saying my business owes them.
Finished Saturday by watching some evening TV with my wife, we watched episode one of the new season of The Crown on Netflix, which was pretty boring if I’m honest. Next, we watched I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, which was mildly amusing/entertaining.
Food Diary
12:30 pm I had some chicken wings and a Costco burger done in the air fryer, very low carb.
06:00 pm I had seven fish fingers, again relatively low carb.
In the SAVERS acronym R is for Reading
My goal today is to read just 5 minutes of the Miracle Morning book. It’s the weekend and I have a day of sport on the TV!
My starting point for today is location 2436 of 3144 or 77% complete.
My ending point for today is location 2495 of 3144 or 79% complete.
In the SAVERS acronym, S is for Scribing
My Core Journal
What would make today great?
Few goals for today as it’s the weekend. Watch sport, go for a walk.