My Journal Entry For Tuesday 8th November

Morning Routine And General Diary
Well, once again I started the day with my new and constantly improving morning routine.
Going to try and continue with my Keto diet again today, so hardly any carbs. I lost 1Kg from yesterdays efforts, down from 114KG to 113KG, I need to lost a lot more though!
As our son is really poorly with aplastic anemia, my wife and I called the fees office of the school he attends to see if they can offer any reduction in fees, here’s hoping.
The horse gambling bot that we built and run on a daily basis for a bit of fun and for hopefully a small profit. Well we decided to do some A B testing with it today. There are 37 UK and Ireland horse races today, so we are betting two separate £1 bets on each to test two different gambling strategies. Fingers crossed that they both show good results.
It’s nearly 4pm already, and if I’m honest, it’s not been the best of days. I’ve not really done much productive work. I even spent 40 minutes watching some of last nights “I’m a celebrity get me out of here” on TV
I’ve not done any work on my customers website and I haven’t created any affirmations either. Maybe I try and create at least one affirmation now, as I doubt I’m going to do any website work now.
Ok, well at least I did manage to create two affirmations, which are now firmly locked into my new and evolving morning routine…
“To ensure that I get a new squash club as a customer of PlanIt-BookIt and therefore increase revenue, I am committed to making the PlanIt-BookIt website best in class, growing my community through madaboutsquash and Facebook and making 5 connections per day to new clubs, between 11am and 12am.”
“To ensure that I lose 24 pounds and get down to 16 stone so that I look and feel better I am 100 percent committed to eating in an eight hour window, avoiding carbohydrates and playing squash or racquetball 3 to 4 times a week when I am allowed to do so again”
Food Diary
No entries yet as I try and skip breakfast these days, like to try and fit all of my eating into an 8 hour window, between 12pm and 8pm.
12:30pm had lunch, one left over Lincolnshire sausage and some Chili left over from the other night, but with no rice to keep the carbs relatively low.
The plan for evening meal tonight is pretty simple, just some slightly breaded fish from Costco. I will just eat it as is, the rest of my family can have it with chips and mushy peas (possibly and English thing! 🤣)
In the SAVERS acronym R is for Reading
My goal today is to get to 60% complete of my Miracle Morning book. I’m dropping my target to 10% of a book per day as 13% is taking too much time.
My starting point for today is location 1559 or 50% complete
Target is complete, my ending point for today was location 1875 of 3144 60% complete