My Journal Entry For November 25th, 2022

Morning Routine, General Diary, Thoughts, and Ideas
I had a pretty good nights sleep, even though I went to bed far too late last night, I think it was about 1:30 am. Got up at 8:45 am and completed my morning routine.
Leaving horse bot as is, it doesn’t do very well on the soft ground in the winter months.
Day 2 for my son and his new bone marrow and so far he’s doing Ok.
Another four world cup matches today with England v USA at 7pm, come on England!
I watched the Wales v Iran game. Wales lost 2 – 0 in the last minutes of the game. Looks like Wales might be going home
Today I prepared for my meeting with my potential walking club customer. Gave a demo to him, went well I think, although he will still have to get it by his committee members. After I wrote up a draft proposal that I will send to him next week.
Watched the England USA game in the hospital with my wife and son, turned out to be quite a boring game that ended 0 – 0.
While demoing our booking system to the potential walking club customer, I noticed that the make sure you complete your booking in 15 minutes text still appears even if you have used a gift card – this is wrong and needs fixing!
Found a great site for small gifts for people in case you’re ever stuck what to but someone for a Birthday or for Christmas. They had a great looking pair of sports shorts that might be good for my Racketball and Squash too! Small Gifts – 300+ Small Gift Ideas
My turn to stay at the hospital again tomorrow night.
Food Diary
In the SAVERS acronym R is for Reading
My goal today is to read 5 minutes of my new book that I’ve decided to read… The 7 Levels of Communication: Go from relationships to referrals.
My starting point for today is location 1199 or 52% complete.
My ending point for today was location 1239 or 54% complete.
In the SAVERS acronym, S is for Scribing
My Core Journal
What did you achieve yesterday?
- Spent all day in the hospital with my son ✅
- Learnt a lot about LogSeq note taking too, which I am very impressed with ✅
What would make today great?
- Create walking club posts ✅
- Set up the demo booking system with walking club events ✅
- Have a great demo ✅
- Create a draft proposal ✅
- England beat USA in the world cup football match 😂 Got a draw, not too bad in terms of where we stand in the table!